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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1734 reviews

Apr 05, 2013 by Estella on Scalar Light
Doc said "IBS"
My name is Estella, I live in Las Vegas. I had been battling a nasty case of food poisoning for at least 8 months.

2 different doctors diagnosed me with IBS and prescribed 2 potent antibiotics that I was supposed to take for 15 days.They also advise me that I was a great candidate for the pink pill which I was probably going to have to take pretty much for the rest of my life.

Not wanting to poison my body and weaken my immune system I never filled the prescriptions; instead, I started looking for a "Natural" cure. After a few weeks I got it under control with the help of different teas, however I had to give up coffee, any kind of spicy food, chocolate, citric fruits, etc.

Before I got sick I always had a very flat stomach, I am very active, practice yoga 3-4 times a week etc., but after I got sick my clothes didn't look the same on me. I was soooo frustrated!!!

Then... I found Tom Paladino. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, very skeptical, but I was also very desperate so after thinking about it for about a week I decided to give it a try.

From the very first day Tom started working on me I noticed and felt the difference. I had boundless energy,I stated to sleep better, the inflammation on my stomach started to go down. In a week, A WEEK, I was able to eat all of my favorite foods and wear all my yoga wear.

For the first time in months I wake up in the morning and I feel normal, no stomach burn, no heaviness, I still can't believe it! Tom and his Scalar Energy really, really, really work!!!

I am forever thankful to Tom for bringing this technology forward and making it available for everyone. So much happened to my body that first week is too long to put it all here but if you have any questions or want to speak to me regarding my experience with Scalar Energy contact Tom. He's got my number and email and I will be more than happy to answer any questions. I feel blessed for having found Tom when I was just about the end of my rope and almost knocking at my Doctor's door. SCALAR ENERGY ROCKS!!!

Mar 18, 2013 by Tony on Scalar Light
Vibrant Health
I'm just finishing up my first 30 days of treatment, and thought I would share my impressions of the therapy. I was just recovering from a very bad experience with high blood sugar and high blood pressure. I had lost 22 pounds from it, and was literally reeling from the multiple issues / symptoms I had experienced. With the treatments, I immediately started to feel a sense of total well being. I felt more alert and energized, my weight stabilized, my vision improved, and some long term skin anomalies suddenly cleared up completely. I started to sleep better, almost sleeping the entire night through without need to get up and urinate, and my dreams came back in full force, now having full 3D dreams with surround sound! (smile) Amazing! Even my sex drive has improved as well, I feel so empowered and alive each day now.

I look and feel better than I have in years, and I always feel like I have a Guardian Angel watching over me now, insuring that I am receiving the vitamins and nutrients my body needs, at a cellular level. I'm so thrilled with my first month, I am eagerly collecting my family's permission to treat them all for a month. It is the greatest gift I can possibly wish to share with them...

Thank you Tom, I pray you are blessed continually and guided throughout your life mission.

Hugs and Love,

Mar 01, 2013 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Early Menopause - Water Retention
I had a hysterectomy when I was 30... started menopause at age 36... which also started my thyroid to malfunction & shut down. I started having all sorts of health issues... from skin problems, losing my hair... to severe water retention & bloating, to name a few.

I am in my early 60's and have dealt with these health issues and many more for 24 years. AFTER THE FIRST FEW DAYS OF Tom using the scalar wave healing on me, I noticed my skin started feeling different & better! After a couple weeks.... I started going to the bathroom a lot more and was retaining a lot less water. My bloating & swelling has gone way down.

I also had a lot of discomfort in my body with aches & pains through out my body... which is much less now because of Tom's treatments. I am so grateful to Tom for the scalar wave healing he has done on me. It has changed my life and I am feeling so much better! I truly believe in and support Tom' scalar wave healing work. It is working for me! Thank you Tom a thousand fold!
Feb 25, 2013 by Okinawan on Scalar Light
Everybody at my workplace has the flu and usually I catch it even with a flu shot that I
take yearly, but for the first time in my life all I have is mild sniffling, a sneeze or two, and
no respiratory discomfort (I'm asthmatic and have gone to emergency a couple of times
in the past three years).
I feel the only explanation is the Scalar Energy that I purchased from Tom Paladino.
I believe that this is the medicine of the future, and that Mr. Paladino is divinely inspired. "Okinawan Ace"
Feb 22, 2013 by RB on Scalar Light
Best sleep in years!
I wanted to give you an update. I think our treatments started on Feb. 4 so it's been about 2 1/2 weeks so far. This is the best sleep I've had in years. Not getting up in the middle of the night and feel very rested when I get up in the morning. I've also noticed I don't need a nap in the middle of the day. (I'm 66) I've had several days that I felt I had a little extra energy. I'd like to feel like that every single day! If you recall I told you that I had had lyme and had been treated and had tested negative for the past 5 years. (Please continue to do the scalar treatment for lyme on me anyway!)
Feb 15, 2013 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Hip Pain, Energy, Feeling Better
Thomas has been treating me and my family. The last 2-3 days my hip pain has been zero, and I've been able to walk at a very fast clip, vs. last week when I was literally dragging my left leg and contemplating using a cane again. I have energy, which is amazing for this time of year. Except for more sunshine (which definitely helps) the only different has been his scalar energy treatments.

Hubby seems to be in a much better mood as well. Last week he spent about 3-4 days sitting in the house not able to do anything because of intense tooth pain. Not sure where his pain level is today, but he's been outside working on a pickup in the shop yesterday and today, something he couldn't do a few days ago. We're pursuing healing options for his teeth. He's even willing to try something different - a real break through!
Feb 05, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
I second all of that good stuff. Tom's treatments have been amazing for me, my friends and our animals. The change in my furry child of nearly 15 years has been astonishing. He looks years younger and acts it. He's back to being a lean, mean mousin' machine!

I know I sent this in before, but since we're in "the flu season", I must reiterate that as soon as I asked Tom to treat the flu it was gone in a matter of hours. The rest was just "mopping up" and allowing my body to get rest and recover. I also used the vodka fumes for the pneumonia at the same time, so I can't say which worked more or better, but the vodka was for the pneumonia and Tom's scalar treatments were for the flu, though he was killing lots of pathogens. Both maladies disappeared rapidly.
Feb 05, 2013 by Rayelan on Scalar Light
My Golden Retriever and My Fatigue
I have just met Tom Palidino through a mutual friend. Tom has created a new approach to healing with what I call "energy". Explaining how he heals would take an entire article. What I want to say is he has been treating me and my Golden Retriever for the past two days. I took Buck to his vet today for more blood tests. He has had a deep respiratory infection since August or September. Today his blood tests were within the normal range. Two week ago he was 5000 above normal.

Tom has also worked on me in the last two days. I have been ill and exhausted since Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if I can give all the credit to Tom for my restoration to health, but I can certainly give him a lot of the credit.

Tom uses the word scalar where I would use orgone, chi, life force... or a host of other words. However he describes it, his technique works.

He is an engineer who became fascinated with Tesla during his undergraduate days. He was inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla, as to the existence of an energy that was not of the electromagnetic spectrum. With this inspiration, he pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness the Creative Strength, (scalar energy).

After years of experimentation and modification, he developed a technique using scalar energy that will transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly. Buck and I are proof that his technique works.

He has written a scores of articles. This is one that inspired me. One of the things I like best about Tom is he gives all the credit to God.

Rumor Mill News Forum
Feb 05, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
Tom's treatments have been amazing for me
I second all of that good stuff. Tom's treatments have been amazing for me, my friends and our animals. The change in my furry child of nearly 15 years has been astonishing. He looks years younger and acts it. He's back to being a lean, mean mousin' machine!

I know I sent this in before, but since we're in "the flu season", I must reiterate that as soon as I asked Tom to treat the flu it was gone in a matter of hours. The rest was just "mopping up" and allowing my body to get rest and recover. I also used the vodka fumes for the pneumonia at the same time, so I can't say which worked more or better, but the vodka was for the pneumonia and Tom's scalar treatments were for the flu, though he was killing lots of pathogens. Both maladies disappeared rapidly.
Feb 03, 2013 by Maribel on Scalar Light
My long standing, chronic, chronic, chronic candida has yielded to his ministrations. My stomach is not forever in my awareness as uncomfortable; or swollen, or miserable, and after meals I remain comfortable. I wake up with a nice flat stomach feeling, totally new again after all these years. Just wanted to share this incredible good fortune!

Also when he treats both husband and me with his vitamin therapy, we are never hungry and can barely eat since we feel full and satisfied. It is quite amazing.

If you can find a good, clear picture of a specific thing you want treated; be it fungus, a particular parasite, a specific herpes on lip or whatever you want treated, send him the picture along with your picture when requesting treatments. He works with that.

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